About Millennium Gold

Millennium Gold is a gold company with a revolutionary way for investors to support gold and other resource-based companies in a way never seen before. Millennium Gold will be revolutionizing the gold market using one of its mines as a case study. Investors will purchase MGUC (Millennium Gold Utility Coin); these tokens will operate as a digital share with royalties attached. All tokens combined will account for a 10% royalty of net profits per quarter. The gold will then be put into a vault at the company’s expense. Investors can request their gold be transferred to them if they hold above a certain amount.

Levering the cryptocurrency space like never before

Provide investors with a new model of investment

Providing a fully transparent blockchain technology

Gold will be graded and tracked using blockchain technology


Gold has been the most common hedge to the overall economy and works as an investment to counteract inflation. Historically gold performs better in market downturns, and as interest rates bottom gold generally spikes. With the US economy printing millions of dollars into the economy and interest rates approaching zero, we’re overdue for a market shift that would be beneficial for gold.


There’s rarely there’s a perfect storm, with the crypto market approaching a massive change to bitcoin that should benefit the price as well as the gold prices climbing, we feel that this is the perfect opportunity to push Millennium to the next level.


Investors will be buying a token from Millennium Gold that’s backed by gold profits of the mine as well as consulting revenue. With investors supporting this new revolutionary way to participate in the gold industry, we believe it’s fair that they also benefit from this new method, and when Millennium Gold helps other companies.


On the global marketplace

Global Restrictions:

The majority of gold mining operations take place in developing countries where receiving investment in standard means is almost impossible. There’s plenty of gold investors that choose global companies to support with forecastable revenues and high market capitalizations.

No Safe Transactions:

With most gold projects giving a monthly email update to investors paired with a quarterly or yearly report there’s a significant lack in transparency, with the global market changing so quickly as well as the legal framework, this level of investor interaction simply doesn’t work.

Timing of Investor Returns:

Having global investors is extremely difficult for companies. The normal equity market is outdated; transferring shares overseas and creating a global marketplace is currently difficult using shares. Opening up on new exchanges around the globe is a long and expensive process most investors aren’t willing to wait for.


Our method and vision

Global Single-Platform:

By levering the cryptocurrency space and blockchain, we’re able to provide investors with a new model of investment fitting what current investors are looking for while also operating more efficiently as a business.

Be Safe and Secure:

Blockchain means that the company is continuously required to upload information to its investors and the company’s database. With an ongoing ledger available to any potential stakeholder or community member in a public domain, transparency is a top priority.

Decentralize Payment Systems

The cryptocurrency industry is renowned for its volatility. With a coin backed by a real asset within the company, Millennium Gold can limit the downwards volatility while still capitalizing on the upwards potential of being in the industry.

The main issue

of decentralizing decision-making and transparency and reliability

With investors looking for a transparent, easy to understand, and high return investment, the current methods simply weren’t providing what new investors were looking for leaving a major gap and opportunity for any companies who can figure out the correct method.

How it works

Our Ecosystem based on blockchain and we solved issues of current and future

Purchasing Token made Easy

Investors will be buying a token from Millennium Gold that’s backed by gold profits of the mine as well as consulting revenue. With investors supporting this new revolutionary way to participate in the gold industry, we believe it’s fair that they also benefit from this new method, and when Millennium Gold helps other companies.

Gold Produced and Distributed

Gold will be produced from the mine(s) and sold to distributors. Profits of the sales will be redistributed back to token holders in USDT or gold. Profits will be calculated using a simple Cost of Goods Sold approach (Revenue - Operating Expenses).

Quarterly Payments

Payment will go out quarterly to holders. Holders will be required to make an account on the Millennium Gold website and deposit coins before royalties are paid.

Calculating of Revenues

This makes it much easier for both quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliqu am quaerat voluptatem. Numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat volup tatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitation em ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam.

We will establish an incentivizing mechanism numquam eius modi tempora, incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat volup tatem.

Make transaction easy and with a less fee.

Millennium Gold will be trading on world leading crypto exchanges. We are strategically planning to trade on both Binance and Kucoin for our investors easy trading and liquidity.

Introducing MGUC Blockchain Platform

The MGUC token value will mirror the generated net profit of the mine over time as an option available to anyone globally by completely cutting out the cost of the middlemen, formal barriers, technical obstacles, and personal disclosure. In other words, MGUC will exploit the merit of the smart contract, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrency, to automatically distribute profits to all users directly.

Safe & Secure Transactions
Encrypted and Kept Private
Multiple Payment Gateway
KYC Verification

Token Economics

Our private sale offering will run till softcap reached. Full details of the IEO to be announced soon!

1,000,000,000 TOTAL TOKEN SUPPLY
500,000,000 HARDCAP
125,000,000 SOFTCAP
$1.00 usd TOKEN PRICE

Bonus Details

chart Token Allocation
  • Secondary Market 50%
  • Early Investors 12.5%
  • Bounty 2.5%
  • Community Building 5%
  • Legal 5%
  • Development 20%
  • Advisors 5%
chart Use of Proceeds
  • Reserves 23.8%
  • Development 19%
  • Reporting 4.8%
  • Administrative 4.8%
  • Consulting 9.5%
  • Equipment 38.1%


Download the whitepaper and learn about Millennium Gold

White Paper (PDF)
Pitch Deck (PDF)


Our roadmap shows all the work Millennium has completed over the past years, and up-to-date activities we plan to accomplish in 2020!

Example of a Ruby from the Area

Pigeon blood rubies are found in mines in Mogok in Myanmar and Pailin in Cambodia. These areas are known to be the home of the finest rubies on the planet. Heath-Wealth – Wisdoms-Love and Success. All synonymous of a powerful Ruby!

Historically, the term “pigeon’s blood” described the red to slightly purplish or pinkish-red color of rubies with a soft, glowing, red fluorescence.

Traditional descriptions like these are useful for evoking images and describing color among professionals. But they can be subject to misinterpretation when used to describe a ruby’s actual color.

Over time and years of experience, trade terms can conjure up perceptions of specific colors and qualities that are associated with a stone’s source. However, the qualities might be typical of that source or they might represent the most exceptional stones from that source

A single source never yields gems that are all the same color and quality. In fact, the descriptive trade term might represent only a small yet highly desired percentage of stones from that source.

New sources can produce material very similar to rubies from classical localities or present a slightly different appearance but remain just as beautiful.

Example of Sapphire from the Area

Sapphire is the most precious and valuable blue gemstone. It is a very desirable gemstone due to its excellent color, hardness, durability, and luster. In the gem trade, Sapphire, without any color prefix refers to the blue variety of the mineral Corundum. However, the term Sapphire encompasses all other gem varieties and colors of Corundum as well, excluding Ruby, the red variety of Corundum, which has its own name since antiquity.

The most valuable color of Sapphire is a cornflower blue color, known as Kashmir Sapphire or Cornflower Blue Sapphire. Another precious Sapphire form is the very rare, orange pink Padparadschah. An exotic type of sapphire, known as Color Changing Sapphire, displays a different color depending on its lighting. In natural light, Color Changing Sapphire is blue, but in artificial light, it is violet. (This effect is the same phenomenon well-known in the gemstone Alexandrite). Yellow and Pink Sapphire have recently become very popular, and are now often seen in jewelry.

Going way back in time, Sapphires (excluding blue) were often called the same name as a popular gemstone of that color with the prefix “oriental” added to it. For example, green Sapphire was called “Oriental Emerald.” The practice of applying the name of a different gemstone to identify the sapphire was misleading, and these names are no longer used. What was once called “Oriental Emerald” is now called “Green Sapphire.” The same holds true for all other color varieties of Sapphire. However, the word “Sapphire” in its everyday context refers only to blue Sapphire, unless a prefix color is specified. Sapphire with a color other than blue is often called a “fancy” in the gem trade.

Sapphire often contains minor inclusions of tiny, slender Rutile needles. When present, these inclusions decrease the transparency of  stone and are known as silk. When in dense, parallel groupings, these inclusions can actually enhance by allowing polished Sapphires to exhibit asterism. Sapphire gems displaying asterism are known as “Star Sapphire,” and these can be highly prized. Star Sapphire exists in six ray stars, though twelve ray stars are also known.


Board of Management

Dr. Robert Q. Lam
Chief Executive Officer, General Director
Dr. Robert Lawrence Ichien
President, Director
Mrs. Kim Neang
Chief Operating Officer, Director
Mrs. Huong Thu T. Truong MBA
Group President for the Asia and Pacific Region Affairs, Director

Executive Members

Ms. Anna Tran
Corporate Secretary
Mr. Michael Nguyen D. Le Group Sr.
Vice President for International Affairs
Mr. Ravuth Chea
Director of Administration and Logistics
Mr. Matthew Daniel
Crypto Expert and Investment Advisor

Get In Touch

Any question? Reach out to us and we’ll get back to you shortly.

  • +408 307 9212
  • info@millenniumgold.com
  • Join us on Telegram